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Best Practices for Email Marketing in B2C

Email marketing - B2C - Marketing digital - Xemoto Media - Influencer marketing
Email marketing in B2C - Influencer marketing

In B2C email marketing, businesses send emails to individual customers instead of businesses, unlike B2B email marketing. It's a personalized marketing approach to develop strong connections with customers. According to Statistica, the email marketing market will reach a staggering $17.9 billion by 2027 with a compound annual growth rate of 13.3%.

Customer-Centric Approach

"To get the right message to the right person at the right time, you first need to get the right data to the right database at the right time," said John Caldwell.

Collect data about their demographics, shopping habits, interests, and pain points to develop your messaging accordingly. This will result in higher ROI for your email marketing as customers will feel more connected to your brand at an emotional level. 

Use Personalization

Always personalize your emails to the target audience. For example, sending emails with generic subject lines and salutations is far less effective than using customized subject lines, CTA, and customers' names while addressing them. Moreover, offering specific deals to customers based on their birthday or any special event will result in better outcomes. 

According to a 2020 survey in the US and UK, 26 percent of marketers revealed that every dollar spent on personalization gives 3-5 dollars ROI.  

Automation is The Key

Once your business grows, it becomes impossible to communicate with customers manually. Using email marketing software with all desired automation features is the key to success. Such software helps you send emails based on a particular action (signup, adding to cart, checkout, etc) that triggers the email sequence you have pre-set.

Separate Landing Pages

One of the crucial mistakes by marketers is using multiple offers on a single email or directing the audience to the same landing page for different offers. It drastically reduces the conversion rate. Always create a single email marketing campaign for an offer and a dedicated landing page to boost conversions. 

Use Urgency and Scarcity

Humans buy based on emotions and then justify their purchase by logical reasoning. Urgency and scarcity are two popular tactics used in direct-response marketing. For example, a subject line "Limited stock left - Buy your favorite camera at 30% off till 31st November" is far more powerful than a generic subject line like "Avail discounts on your favorite camera."

Segment Your Audience 

Segmenting your potential audience based on their interests and behavior saves time and resources. You will send targeted emails to customers who are more likely to convert. It's one of the best email marketing practices that can enhance your ROI immensely. 

Make it Mobile-Responsive

Mobile phone usage has increased significantly, with more people viewing emails on their smartphones instead of desktop computers. This made it essential for email marketers to create mobile-responsive emails. Email marketing tools like Getresponse and MailChimp make it a breeze to create emails that are well-fitted to mobile phone screens. 

A/B Test Email Campaigns

If you don't analyze your email marketing stats, you will have no clue what's working and what's not. It's a standard practice carried out by top-notch brands to A/B test their campaigns in order to choose the winning email copy and design elements. 

According to the SaleCycle report, 50% of people buy from email marketing campaigns once a month. It is the right time to adopt email marketing in your overall marketing strategy, keeping in view its massive impact on business revenue.

Looking to get more engagement on your email marketing campaigns? Contact us to get more insights!

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